Unveil Hidden Insights Through Handwriting
SEIFER HANDWRITING CONSULTANTS: Expertise in Forgery Detection, Signature Comparison, Disguised Handwriting, Head Injury, Machine Typeface Comparison, Jury Selection. MARC J. SEIFER, Ph.D., Court Qualified Handwriting and Forensic Documents Examiner.

Unique Benefits of Our Services

Leading Forensic Specialist
Renowned authority in forensic documents examination.

Comprehensive Expertise
Extensive background in forgery detection and disguised handwriting.

Acclaimed Author
Best-selling books on diverse topics.

Unparalleled Insights From a Renowned Expert
Dr. Marc Seifer stands as the leading expert on Nikola Tesla, demonstrated by his thoroughly researched best-selling book Wizard: The Life & Times of Nikola Tesla. His extensive body of work, including numerous scientific articles, fiction and non-fiction books covering a diverse array of topics including true crime, the science of the immune system, psychology and the structure of the psyche, metaphysics, murder mysteries, and also science fiction. In addition to his writing, Dr. Seifer is a distinguished forensic specialist and recognized authority in handwriting analysis.